
Humanity's contribution to a sustainable space

Building on humanity's instinct to explore and see life thrive, Lunaria One aims to boost sustainable activities in space.

Our diverse team draws on expertise in biology, engineering, psychology and education, to create a vision for the future with a plan to realise it. Learn more about who we are here.


Growing in Space

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In space, where there are restrictions to power, food, water and resources, sustainability is a necessity. This makes it an ideal testing ground for developing innovative and practical strategies for generating sustainable practices here on Earth.

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Setting our sights on the moon, we are developing experiments to test the ability of plants to grow in this harsh environment.


Public Participation

Whilst our goals are primarily scientific, our motivation is to see these goals shared by all humanity. We are thus committed to opening our data and the scientific process itself to citizens of the world, particularly younger generations. We will actively seek participation in experiments and decisions about the details of our projects from individuals across our planet, so that we can take our collective intelligence to the moon and beyond.

Research and Industry Collaboration

We value interdisciplinary perspectives and crossovers between research and industry. We are thus always open to communicating with potential partners in academia and business.

Contact us

We are based in Victoria, Australia, but have team members and collaborators around the world. For any questions, suggestions, media enquiries or collaboration opportunities, please reach out via the below contact form: